Resolving Git Integration Issues in Flare 2023 r2

 Article #: SCC1008F  Product: Flare   Version: 2023 r2


This knowledgebase article addresses a known issue in Flare version 2023 r2, where the built-in libgit2sharp library disrupts local Git operations. It offers a workaround by installing Git for Windows to manage Git functions in Flare effectively. The article outlines two methods to resolve repository issues: a simpler method for minor changes involving re-importation and reapplication of changes, and a more detailed method for extensive changes that includes cloning, merging, and manual conflict resolution. Additional resources and support links are provided to assist users in managing their projects within Flare.

Full Description:

In Flare version 2023 r2, a known issue arises due to the use of the libgit2sharp library. This problem may affect local Git operations such as commit, pull, push, and merge, thereby impacting both local and network functions within the repository. A recommended workaround involves installing Git for Windows, which supersedes libgit2sharp for Git operations in Flare when correctly installed. Detailed guidance on installation can be found at Using Git for Windows with Flare.


Method 1: For Minor Changes

After installing Git for Windows, follow these steps if the project changes are minimal and easy to replicate:

  1. Re-import the Project:
  2. Recreate any prior changes, commit them, and then push the updates back to MadCap Central or your remote Git repository.

Method 2: For Extensive Changes

For significant changes that are difficult to replicate, follow this detailed approach after installing Git for Windows:

  1. Re-import the Project to a New Location: Clone or import the project from Central or your remote Git provider to a new directory (referred to here as Project B). Use the command cd /path/to/new/projectB to navigate to the new project directory.
  2. Commit Changes in the Original Repository (Project A): Navigate to Project A using cd /path/to/projectA and ensure all modifications are committed to avoid any data loss during the merging process.
  3. Integrate Project A into Project B:
    1. Navigate back to Project B using cd /path/to/new/projectB.
    2. Add Project A as a remote with the command: git remote add ErrorRepo /path/to/projectA.
    3. Fetch changes from Project A using: git fetch ErrorRepo.
    4. Switch to the appropriate branch in Project B using git checkout master or git checkout main.
    5. Merge the projects using: git merge ErrorRepo/master --allow-unrelated-histories. This command helps combine repositories that do not share a common history.
    6. Resolve any conflicts manually, then commit the changes with git add . and git commit -m "Merged repository with errors".
    7. Remove the remote reference to Project A by running: git remote remove ErrorRepo.
    8. Finally, push the merged changes using: git push [remote alias] master.

If you are not familiar with Git commands or the process seems complex, it is advisable to seek assistance from a colleague experienced in Git or contact our support team for further guidance at MadCap Software Support.

Additional Resources


Last updated:

April 12, 2024


Ian Hinkle

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