Deprecated Features FAQ

 Article #: GEN1031Z  Product: ALL   Version: N/A

Why are some features marked as deprecated?

Periodically, it is necessary to deprecate specific functionalities within Flare in order to continue delivering optimal support for new features and functionalities with each release of the program. With each release, the features and functionality supported by Flare may be adjusted based on customer needs and technology trends.

How is the feature affected when it is marked for deprecation?

The feature will still be available for use within the release of Flare where it is marked as deprecated. If it is an output type, the output can still be generated from Flare but there may be unexpected issues since it will not be a fully tested feature prior to release.

When will deprecated features be removed?

After a feature is marked as deprecated, it may be removed as soon as the next release but no less than 6 months from announcement of deprecation. This is to allow customers sufficient notice to make any necessary adjustments in using the recommended or alternative features.

This article will be updated with the list of deprecated features.

What happens when the deprecated feature is removed?

The feature will no longer be available in the new releases of Flare. The feature can still be used in the older versions of Flare where it is available.

The current list of features marked for deprecation.

  • Announced on 1/21/2020
    • WebHelp output (this does not include HTML5 target types which has also been called WebHelp 2.0)
    • WebHelp Plus output
    • DITA output
    • Tool strip menu style

Recommended replacements for deprecated features.

  • WebHelp and WebHelp Plus – HTML5 output
  • DITA output – Clean XHTML or HTML5 output
  • Tool strip menu style – Ribbon menu style

Last updated:



Marvin Mallari

Contributions by:

MadCap QA